PT. Sinar Jaya Prakarsa is a company that manufactures top-quality rubber sandals using high-quality materials and technology. The two main raw materials used in our manufacturing process are international grade natural rubber and EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate), We produce affordable but quality rubber sandals for all Indonesian citizens, and other countries, with the purpose of improving their lifestyle.
PT. Sinar Jaya Prakarsa started its factory with roughly 100 employees and over the years it has grown immensely. Apart from that, it has also grown in its innovation by adopting the latest machinery and technology. Through their experience, PT. Sinar Jaya Prakarsa managed to learn to produce and assemble their own machinery, such as rubber intensive mixer machines, sandal punching machines and many more. Currently, efforts are being made to the research and development of automated machines to further increase the company's productivity and efficiency.